IFC online Merger
Upload your ifc files here to merge them into a single file
Merging could take a few minutes based on file size and amount of files!
Uploading O
Processing O
No liability is assumed for uploading or merging IFC files. Incomplete merges of IFC files are possible. The framework uses ifcopenshell in the background to merge the files. For technical reasons, it is currently possible for external IFC files to be available for download as merged files. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that your own and third-party files are merged into one file. Parallel uploads from multiple entities can result in the previous operation.
The files may be automatically deleted from the web server after 15 minutes. With the use of this website, and its subsites the user confirmend the CTOs and the data protection guidelines.
© Joern Rettweiler - excluding external frameworks such as the used ifcopenshell.
The used font is the Ubuntu Font https://design.ubuntu.com/font
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